Register as a Hacker Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone number Age group we welcome people of all ages to apply Option 18-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56+ Rather not say Race / Ethnicity we welcome people of all races/ethnicities to apply Option Asian or Asian British Black, African, Caribbean or Black British Mixed or Multiple ethnic group White Other ethnic group Rather not say Gender Option Female Male Non-binary Rather not say Your Role * Option Technical Non-Technical Your Experience * Word limit: 200 What is your safety idea? (Inc problem, customer, market) If you do not have an idea yet please leave blank. Word limit: 200 Revenue model If you have an idea please select what revenue model you are considering, otherwise, please select ‘Unsure’. Option Unsure Paid by users Free for users + paid advertising Free for users + ongoing investment Free for users + grants/ charitable donations Mission If you have an idea, could you please select the mission it relates or, or otherwise select ‘Unsure’. Option Unsure Safety on the streets Safety in the home Safety at work Safety in bars Safety on campus Safety online Safety on transport Safety abroad Safety for ethnicity or race Will you continue with this business regardless of the hackathon outcome? Option Yes No Unsure How much funding do you need to take the product / service to market? numbers only in GDP currency. If you have an idea please enter a funding estimate, otherwise, please leave blank. If you have been given a reference code, please enter it here. By clicking 'Send', you consent to the information you provided being stored and used for purposes to inform you about the Safe Circles Hackathon (Data is not shared with any third party). Thank you for your application. We will review it right away and get back to you soon. If you are accepted onto the Hackathon we will provide tools and resources and a mentor prior to the start of the Hackathon so you can start preparing. If you applied as an individual we will team you up and introduce you to your co-hackers.